Equities historically have given better returns compared to other asset classes in the long run. India being one of the fastest growing large economy offers great opportunities to invest in equity market.
Commodities are the first things to be traded, and are part of basic necessities and are consumed hence the demand for them would be there for the next few decades and offer good trading and investment opportunities.
Mutual Funds
A pool of funds from a large number of investors managed by a professional fund manager. Mutual funds are new vehicles of investment available for retail investors to invest in the required assets with ease.
Insurance is a cover against any unforeseen risk, right Insurance could save a lot of agony in the event of trouble. We have independent advisers who are experts in this fields advising on the Life, General and Health Insurance.
Real Estate
Bengaluru, Silicon Valley of the India as it is known offers great opportunities for property buyers, both residential and commercial. It is one of fastest growing real estate markets of the world with consistent appreciation in value across times
Asset prices move in cycles and different asset classes peak at different times. Staying in an asset which is at the initial phase of a bull market and exiting an asset classes which has had a significant move could give a substantial return
A bull market in equity would mean a bear cycle in other assets like gold which is a safe haven asset and the vice versa i.e. a bear market in equities mean a bull phase for gold as people rush for safety. Equity, Commodities, Real estate, Debt all have there bull and bear phases and staying course with the right asset class at the right time pays off
We at SumArtha are a conservative lot and prefer to enter when the bull phases in the assets are confirmed and try to exit before the end of the bull phase, We neither catch the bottom nor exit at the top but aim to stay in an asset which is raising for a significant gain year on year. Our edge is in the diversified asset classes we delve in.